Fort Henry Heights, 1958
(too old to reply)
2013-10-16 14:56:33 UTC
We moved from Brockville RCR camp the last familly to go and moved to FHH 1 B Monsway 1953 Dad still with RCR We lived in Fort Henry Heights until 1968 at which time our father retired and moved to our hometown Pembroke Ontario. I started with Canadian Industries Limited and was with them till 1972 at which time i wrote a competition on the BASE for Firefighter and wone the Competition I was on the base as a firfighter till retirment 1996. We live just east of the base about 3 miles in Doctor Allens House.still miss the base although it has changed drasticaly after i retired i went to work for HMCS Ontario under Major Arsenault great guy
Wayne Laverdure
2015-08-03 14:32:03 UTC
Lived there 1960-1970
Matt Harper brother of Brad?
Anyways was looking to see when next reunion might take place
Do not even know if this site is still current
2018-01-02 19:04:58 UTC
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
Accidently discovered this group...there are a lot of comments on Facebook, "Fort Henry Heights Brats" I posted a lengthy remembrance recently covering from 50 to 55. We also would go into the Moats in Winter for a lark but had a way out on the lake ontario side. I attended school in the fort for two years when the school was overcrowded and they sent the Grade VIIs there.
Donna MacDougall
2021-10-26 00:01:20 UTC
Post by w***@yahoo.com
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
Accidently discovered this group...there are a lot of comments on Facebook, "Fort Henry Heights Brats" I posted a lengthy remembrance recently covering from 50 to 55. We also would go into the Moats in Winter for a lark but had a way out on the lake ontario side. I attended school in the fort for two years when the school was overcrowded and they sent the Grade VIIs there.
I srao Lundys Lane in 1958
2018-07-23 00:42:22 UTC
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
Lundy's Lane School 58-63,Regiopolis 63-68.Lived on Normandy and Batoche. Anyone know Pat Kimber, Rene Boyer,Jerry Pereda,Debbie Smale, Candy Slack, Rick & Lee Pitt, Bill MacDonald,Linda & Larry Bachan.....etc. Dead Man's Bay,
Arrowhead beach before and after, Red Rock, P.W.O.R. Loved the area, Thousand
Islands and Cedar Island Get Togethers L.O.L.
Donna MacDougall
2021-10-26 00:04:29 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
Lundy's Lane School 58-63,Regiopolis 63-68.Lived on Normandy and Batoche. Anyone know Pat Kimber, Rene Boyer,Jerry Pereda,Debbie Smale, Candy Slack, Rick & Lee Pitt, Bill MacDonald,Linda & Larry Bachan.....etc. Dead Man's Bay,
Arrowhead beach before and after, Red Rock, P.W.O.R. Loved the area, Thousand
Islands and Cedar Island Get Togethers L.O.L.
I grew up in Fort Henry Heights and started school at Lundys Lane in probably 1958. In grade 2 I moved to Gesner School. I lived at 44B Normandy Crescent.
2019-04-19 22:42:42 UTC
Hi, My name is John MacLEOD. I lived at FHH from approx 57 to 61. I was 13 to 16 years old at the time. My nickname was “J B”. I was wondering if some of my old friends were still around. Some of their names were; Carl Brooks, Don “Boots” Boutilier, Carol nee Jodion ( pronounced Jodwen), Carole ” Shocky” nee Shokrel, Rick Collins, Jim Burkett, Ken Palmer, Jackie nee St. Denis. Gail nee Severign, Jim Whipple, Denis Moore, Judy nee Cassidy, Doug Cummings.

My dad got posted to BC from Kingston and the only friend from above that I have had contact with was Don Boutilier about 1965. I have heard that he has passed away.

If anyone has any information or contacts for the people above I would sure like to hear about it. My email is ***@shaw.ca. I now live in Victoria BC.

Regards to all
2020-05-09 21:39:14 UTC
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
Lived at 35 Paardeburg, 65 to 68. Went to QECVI and LCVI. Remember Dead Mans Bay, the swimming area. My brothers and I played a lot around the old fort. Skinny dipped when the 10009 island cruise boats went by. A lot of good memories.
2020-05-10 12:47:00 UTC
Post by j***@gmail.com
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
Lived at 35 Paardeburg, 65 to 68. Went to QECVI and LCVI. Remember Dead Mans Bay, the swimming area. My brothers and I played a lot around the old fort. Skinny dipped when the 10009 island cruise boats went by. A lot of good memories.
Paardeburg behind church and Batoche? We called it "party place" LOL. My family was on Normandy and Batoche 65 to 68. Many friends at both QE and LC. Have located B Macdonald and trying to see if others still around. Arrowhead beach had built up a lot and I surmise more so by now. Was unsure if web site still active when I received your email response. Perhaps we met at beach,dance,base etc.since it seems we were both there about the same time and going to high school. I was like most, did not take enough photos back in the day...Jerry.
Brian Anderson
2020-10-16 19:56:36 UTC
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
I attended kindergarten there in 1956. I think we lived at 47 Lundys Lane.
Michael Klassen
2021-02-01 02:19:56 UTC
Post by Brian Anderson
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
I attended kindergarten there in 1956. I think we lived at 47 Lundys Lane.
Michael Klassen
2021-02-01 03:19:12 UTC
On Sunday, 31 January 2021 at 21:19:57 UTC-5, Michael Klassen wrote:i went to lundys lane kindigarten i remember the canteen ruff place got my bubble gum there got my ass kicked going to school and after my old man was ww2 lived in row house in the winter dressed in cheap layers of clothing stiff like a robot that plus it was cold i got hit by a car slow mo hit the wind sheild the guy driving and i saw one another it was post x mas show and tell day i got up grabbed my bag of tinker toys heard someone say come back little boy i ran with a limp made it to school half way thru my presentation the mps came in and took me to a hospital i still walk with a limp this was 1964 heres the good news apparerently bryan adams went to the same class my saving grace was my baby sitter her name was jeannie came a japenese family of 6 kids she had long black hair a fuzzy sweater and where ever u are jeannie i still love you !!! Michael how to send?
Post by Brian Anderson
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
I attended kindergarten there in 1956. I think we lived at 47 Lundys Lane.
Michael Klassen
2021-02-01 03:38:33 UTC
On Sunday, 31 January 2021 at 21:19:57 UTC-5, Michael Klassen wrote:i went to lundys lane kindigarten i remember the canteen ruff place got my bubble gum there got my ass kicked going to school and after my old man was ww2 lived in row house in the winter dressed in cheap layers of clothing stiff like a robot that plus it was cold i got hit by a car slow mo hit the wind sheild the guy driving and i saw one another it was post x mas show and tell day i got up grabbed my bag of tinker toys heard someone say come back little boy i ran with a limp made it to school half way thru my presentation the mps came in and took me to a hospital i still walk with a limp this was 1964 heres the good news apparerently bryan adams went to the same class my saving grace was my baby sitter her name was jeannie came a japenese family of 6 kids she had long black hair a fuzzy sweater and where ever u are jeannie i still love you !!! Michael how to send?
Post by Brian Anderson
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Or how about any brats from Vancouver Wireless Station in the 60's.
After dad retired, our whole family eventually settled in B.C.
Loved the mountains.
I attended kindergarten there in 1956. I think we lived at 47 Lundys Lane.
The Brokeith
2021-04-20 00:04:58 UTC
I went to Lundy's Lane School in the late 50's. That would make me an old
guy, I guess. Any one else out there from the Kingston area of that time?
Born in Kingston. Went to Lundys Lane in the late 60's.
I remember Red Rock behind Batoche
Deadman's Cove, and the sunken uboat :)
the wharf, visitting the Centennial train downtown, Wolfe Island
Best times were at Fort Henry itself. sledding down in winters, getting stuck
in the moot during the summer.
(Pure Brat)
l lived on cambrai ave went to batoche also 59 to 61 then lundys lane until dad got moved toronto,always remember the DDT sprayer we used to follow around cant believe l made this far to 67 yrs