R.C.A.F. Station Rockcliffe Ottawa Ontario
(too old to reply)
2014-05-09 18:48:47 UTC
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
I do not remember you but I had Mr. Brown in grade 6 and Mrs. Taylor in grade 7. My name is Brent Webley. grade six was in 65 and seven in 66. I now live in Stratford Ontario. I move their in 1969 on my own to pursue a hockey career and stayed . Love it Brent
2015-12-20 02:52:51 UTC
Dear Fellow Bae Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
I am Ron Mitchell. Attended Viscount
Alexander between 1953 and 1957. When I first started there, if I recall correctly,it wasWoodfalle School. Not sure when it was renamed to Viscount Alexander. Went to Rideau High School in 1957. Lived in Ottawa subsequently between 1979 and 1995. Base Rockcliffe PMQ's were still there then, and I was able to return to 21 Via Vega in Area 5 where we used to live. Was like walking into a bit of a time warp. Only thing different was the size of the trees.

At anyrate. teachers when I was there: Lucille Wheeler, Veronica Ryan, Miss
Sharkee, Mr Smith. Mr. Carlson.

Dad got transferred to 1 Fighter Wing Marville France in August 1958.Wzx there until 1961.

Ron Mitchell
2018-03-30 15:22:03 UTC
Post by r***@gmail.com
Dear Fellow Bae Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
I am Ron Mitchell. Attended Viscount
Alexander between 1953 and 1957. When I first started there, if I recall correctly,it wasWoodfalle School. Not sure when it was renamed to Viscount Alexander. Went to Rideau High School in 1957. Lived in Ottawa subsequently between 1979 and 1995. Base Rockcliffe PMQ's were still there then, and I was able to return to 21 Via Vega in Area 5 where we used to live. Was like walking into a bit of a time warp. Only thing different was the size of the trees.
At anyrate. teachers when I was there: Lucille Wheeler, Veronica Ryan, Miss
Sharkee, Mr Smith. Mr. Carlson.
Dad got transferred to 1 Fighter Wing Marville France in August 1958.Wzx there until 1961.
Ron Mitchell
I remember Miss Ryan, a really nice teacher, one of the best I had. Lived at 13 Mynarski Crescent and did grade 6 at auxiliary school, in an old barracks, near the National Research Center. Was in France from 59 to 62

Rick Fader
2016-08-30 15:49:48 UTC
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
Not sure if you're still taking posts. Was there in the mid to late 60's. Remember the big Centennial party at the school in 1967. Remember teachers Miss Martin and Miss Egink. Lived on 1 Bishop Boulevard. Father was a firefighter. Sgt. Moe Jensen. I'm his son Paul.
William Yeo
2016-09-09 03:55:05 UTC
Post by p***@hotmail.com
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
Not sure if you're still taking posts. Was there in the mid to late 60's.
Remember the big Centennial party at the school in 1967. Remember teachers
Miss Martin and Miss Egink. Lived on 1 Bishop Boulevard. Father was a
firefighter. Sgt. Moe Jensen. I'm his son Paul.
Nobody uses this group much anymore.

You might find CAFBA to be of interest to brats see<http://www.cafba.ca>
2017-02-01 19:15:20 UTC
Was at Rockcliffe and went to Viscount Alexander (both the old annexes and
the new school) but later than you're asking about (66-73, by far the
longest we ever stayed in one place).
Did you know a Ken Sweeney? He graduated from Rockcliffe in 1967. I'm trying to locate him. Thanks,

2017-06-19 18:15:51 UTC
Carey, we were in area 3 on Mynarski from 1956 until 1962. For me those were the grades ending with fourth in '61-'62. Coinciding with your years/grades yet I never left the Annexes. My sisters were in seventh and eight at Viscount in 1962. We are the Bambrick's who lived at the bottom of the Arcturus hill at 49 Mynarski, the second to last house in the dead end, one of only eight single family two story four bedroom houses built. ...wally bambrick
2018-03-30 15:24:27 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
Carey, we were in area 3 on Mynarski from 1956 until 1962. For me those were the grades ending with fourth in '61-'62. Coinciding with your years/grades yet I never left the Annexes. My sisters were in seventh and eight at Viscount in 1962. We are the Bambrick's who lived at the bottom of the Arcturus hill at 49 Mynarski, the second to last house in the dead end, one of only eight single family two story four bedroom houses built. ...wally bambrick
I lived at 13 Mynarski from 55 to 59. Had friends that lived near you, can't remember the names.
Rick Fader
2017-07-30 23:31:08 UTC
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
Hey , Well I was there up to 1970 My name is Ron Thompson and Yes I went to Viscount Alexander School I think I got the Viscount award for sport that year. I live at 51 Minarski crescent for years. Lots of sport , hockey , base ball, etc.
Would love to reconnect with others there . I lost a lot of friends when Dad was transferred to Edmonton. ***@shaw.ca
2017-09-15 04:49:51 UTC
My name is Robert Preston, on Rockcliffe pmq's 66-72. Lived in 22 Jupiter. My last year was grade 7. Big shout to all Airforce brats!
2017-11-05 20:30:28 UTC
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
2017-11-05 20:44:12 UTC
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
Hi Craig -
Been a while but my sister a I attended Woodfall School which later became Viscount Alexander. We lived in Area 7, on Mars Street in the very first PMQs constructed at the base. My favorite memory is seeing all the Airforce Day flying practices prior to the actual event., which was the 2nd weekend every June. I'm Randy, and my sister is Sharron - last name Hunter. My dad was a career airman (CEPE), and served two terms of office as the Mayor of Rockcliffe. My best friend was Jimmy Lavigne, and his dad was 408 Sqdn.
That was many moons ago - and it's all gone now, except for the memories !
2018-12-18 02:52:08 UTC
Post by r***@sympatico.ca
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
Hi Craig -
Been a while but my sister a I attended Woodfall School which later became Viscount Alexander. We lived in Area 7, on Mars Street in the very first PMQs constructed at the base. My favorite memory is seeing all the Airforce Day flying practices prior to the actual event., which was the 2nd weekend every June. I'm Randy, and my sister is Sharron - last name Hunter. My dad was a career airman (CEPE), and served two terms of office as the Mayor of Rockcliffe. My best friend was Jimmy Lavigne, and his dad was 408 Sqdn.
That was many moons ago - and it's all gone now, except for the memories !
Hello Randy,,,,,please email me at " ***@eastlink.ca " I believe I may know your family!!
2019-04-06 23:19:42 UTC
Post by r***@sympatico.ca
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
Hi Craig -
Been a while but my sister a I attended Woodfall School which later became Viscount Alexander. We lived in Area 7, on Mars Street in the very first PMQs constructed at the base. My favorite memory is seeing all the Airforce Day flying practices prior to the actual event., which was the 2nd weekend every June. I'm Randy, and my sister is Sharron - last name Hunter. My dad was a career airman (CEPE), and served two terms of office as the Mayor of Rockcliffe. My best friend was Jimmy Lavigne, and his dad was 408 Sqdn.
That was many moons ago - and it's all gone now, except for the memories !
HI, Rockcliffites! Gary Gayda, retired in Belleville, ON.
Didn't go to Viscount Alexander School, but I did attend Rideau High School from 1961-1965. My girlfriend, Bonnie Riseley - now wife - went to Lisgar Collegiate Institute. We lived at 56 and 58 McLeod Crescent (same duplex).
Sad to see the Base and PMQ's levelled.
Anyone there at that time remember us?
Randy Hunter
2023-09-27 00:09:48 UTC
Post by r***@sympatico.ca
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
Hi Craig -
Been a while but my sister a I attended Woodfall School which later became Viscount Alexander. We lived in Area 7, on Mars Street in the very first PMQs constructed at the base. My favorite memory is seeing all the Airforce Day flying practices prior to the actual event., which was the 2nd weekend every June. I'm Randy, and my sister is Sharron - last name Hunter. My dad was a career airman (CEPE), and served two terms of office as the Mayor of Rockcliffe. My best friend was Jimmy Lavigne, and his dad was 408 Sqdn.
That was many moons ago - and it's all gone now, except for the memories !
2018-06-18 00:28:12 UTC
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
Was that the elementary school on Rockliffe base? Sounds familiar.
If yes, I didn't go there but my two older brothers did from '56-58. I was
sent to the local french school in Vanier (anyone remember what Vanier was
called before it was changed to that name?) I don't remember the name of
the street we lived on in Rockliffe, but I remember it was near the woods,
and my older brothers would always threaten me tales of strange men
lurking in those woods, waiting to "get me".
Seems to me the bases were divided up by ranks; I think the living
quarters were segragated according to whether your father was an officer
or not. Dad was an airframe technician and we always had comfortable
housing on the bases we lived, but I vaguely remember officers children
having a little bit better/bigger bedrooms. Or am I totally delusional
here? Anyone else remember this being the way of life on base?
Vanier was Eastview, and before that was Clarkstown.
2018-06-25 03:40:26 UTC
Brian Laishes here...attended Viscount Alexander School....lived on McLeod Crescent...now in Wisconsin USA....text or call me at 608 345 7777
2018-06-25 03:45:24 UTC
Brian Laishes
Contact 608 345 7777....
2018-06-25 03:47:41 UTC
Contact me at 608 345 7777....Brian Laishes
2020-06-03 10:17:22 UTC
Dear Fellow Base Brats;
I would love to hear from those
of you who attended the Vicount Alexander School during the period
1956-62 . I am especially looking for old childhood friends who lived
on Altair Avenue. Also others who may have been profoundly influenced
through out the years by their base brat experiences.
Hi Craig. I lived at 25 Mynarski Cres from 1958 (when I was born) to 1968 when my dad retired. I went to The Annex on the base and also VA. It was an amazing time then...some great memories still!!! I live in Zimbabwe now.