CFB St-Hubert 1972-1975
(too old to reply)
Scott Rolfe
2015-11-19 18:01:31 UTC
Just saw this when looking for what Pine Circle is now called. I've been gone from Quebec for many years and have forgotten a lot, but a couple of those names ring a bell (Ronnie LeBlanc, Michel Boulet and Roger Bedard). I lived at 33 Pine Circle and was there, I believe from 73 to 75, when we moved to the other side of Ottawa, out in the country. I could understand French for a long time but couldn't speak it. Now I can't even understand it, although a few words may tweak me to have an idea what a conversation is about. We went to the Protestant school there and had to walk over onto the base to go to gym. Still remember Mr. Bancoutti (if that's spelled right) and how we had to play handball all the time. I never got in the military, but my two older brothers spent some time in the reserves. Now I live in B.C., just outside of Vancouver.
2018-04-30 17:59:24 UTC
I remember those names - Colin Leech...Roger Bedard. I am Marc Hebert. I lived at 42 Pine Circle. I have two younger brothers...Paul, Danny, and an older sister, Carole. She was going out with a guy named Bobby Jones...down the street on Pine Circle...right near the church/CHS Roger Bedard...I remember your name. I think you were a year older than me...you lived near the church maybe?? You and I might have played hockey or hung around. I joined the militia right after school...still 17 years old...were you in Air Reserves? Ronnie LeBlanc, maybe was it Robbie LeBlanc? Had a brother named Trevor? Jordie Taylor...had a sister name Natalie? Shannon St. Louis - I remember that name...blond hair? See, you guys were a year, maybe two, older, and at that time, it made a big difference. Colin Leech, did you wear glasses? Do you remember Mr. Mackinnon?...big guy, reddish hair, smoked those fat cigars...drove an AMC Pacer (you remember the ones that looked like an aquarium on wheels?)...chemistry teacher Mr. Fox...I was in grade 10...it was the last year the school was open...closed down...had to go in town to finish up high school. I don't know why I can still remember these things. Can't remember what I had for supper last night, and every easter, I can hide my own eggs....haha...that last part isn't true...
2018-04-30 18:02:27 UTC
I lived on Pine Circle as well...42...my dad was our hockey coach, and I think you and I played on the same team mabye? Bankuti was his name, and he was our handball coach...I did go in the military and just finished, and going to school in Halifax. I kind of remember you.