Scott Rolfe
2015-11-19 18:01:31 UTC
Just saw this when looking for what Pine Circle is now called. I've been gone from Quebec for many years and have forgotten a lot, but a couple of those names ring a bell (Ronnie LeBlanc, Michel Boulet and Roger Bedard). I lived at 33 Pine Circle and was there, I believe from 73 to 75, when we moved to the other side of Ottawa, out in the country. I could understand French for a long time but couldn't speak it. Now I can't even understand it, although a few words may tweak me to have an idea what a conversation is about. We went to the Protestant school there and had to walk over onto the base to go to gym. Still remember Mr. Bancoutti (if that's spelled right) and how we had to play handball all the time. I never got in the military, but my two older brothers spent some time in the reserves. Now I live in B.C., just outside of Vancouver.
Just saw this when looking for what Pine Circle is now called. I've been gone from Quebec for many years and have forgotten a lot, but a couple of those names ring a bell (Ronnie LeBlanc, Michel Boulet and Roger Bedard). I lived at 33 Pine Circle and was there, I believe from 73 to 75, when we moved to the other side of Ottawa, out in the country. I could understand French for a long time but couldn't speak it. Now I can't even understand it, although a few words may tweak me to have an idea what a conversation is about. We went to the Protestant school there and had to walk over onto the base to go to gym. Still remember Mr. Bancoutti (if that's spelled right) and how we had to play handball all the time. I never got in the military, but my two older brothers spent some time in the reserves. Now I live in B.C., just outside of Vancouver.