North Bay
(too old to reply)
2013-10-03 18:54:13 UTC
I'm sure most of you have read my recollections of the teen town in
North Bay, the swimming pool...my quiet place to think with friends in
"the gully". I remember meeting my first friend on our first posting
there, on the rocket that stood on the playground (not the one near the
base chapels). I remember Paul Davoud School and the hill where we
sled. I remember Winter Festival. I remember Airport Road. I remember
Mr. MacKay, Mr. Parker, Shirley Cleminshaw, Holmer Berthiaume, Debbie
Harris, Geri-lyn Heaslip, Scott Graham, Guy Winchester, the Self family,
Charlie....the Winns...anyone remember ANYTHING from North Bay, write it
under this thread!
Paul Giroux,
Didn't Kathleen have a brother? I remember ringing doorbells and running like hell...or putting a popsickle stick in the lock. The meat heads never got out
to chase us. I also remember tough cop, Dave Thomas> Rooster. Hugh Cameron shoved him into the pool and got kicked out for 6 wks. I was president of teen town for a year. I remember snowball fights at the school. I nailed MacDonnell, he started laughing and Stewart McKinley flattened him.
My email address is: ***@hotmail.com Drop me a line
2016-02-15 16:50:08 UTC
On our second posting, I was able to attend one year at Widdifield. I
remember especially my art teacher, Mr. Carlin. I also remember the bus
rides from the Protestant Base Chapel.
Just wanted you to know, so you could spread the word, we are having a Widdifield 50th Reunion May 19 - 22, 2016. Registration can be done online at www.widdifield50th.com and also there is a Facebook page Widdifield Seondary 50th Reunion! spread the word!!
2016-02-15 16:50:30 UTC
PMQs that looked like barns
Friends Warren Shultz Norm Hues Emily Duffy
Mr. Bean cars and the A&W
Trout Lake
Fur Carnival
Long Winters
Just wanted you to know, so you could spread the word, we are having a Widdifield 50th Reunion May 19 - 22, 2016. Registration can be done online at www.widdifield50th.com and also there is a Facebook page Widdifield Seondary 50th Reunion! spread the word!!
2016-02-15 16:51:15 UTC
Hi Group!
I was stationed in North Bay twice, once in 1967. I lived off base in BLH
with other brats nearby. Went to EW Norman School. I remember riding our
bikes and skidding on the shadfly bodies.....ick! Stationed there again in
1973, BLH again. Went to Widdifield HS. Caught the itch in Trout Lake, had
my first beer on Blueberry Hill outside the housing area. Walked to the A&W
every Friday night with my friends. Loved that posting!!
"kathleen hanrahan wrote ...
anyone remember ANYTHING from North Bay, write it
under this thread!
Lived in N Bay early 60s but offbase, as parents rented downtown. Started
school at St. Agnes. Only memory of that school is of my older sisters
dragging me kicking and screaming on Day 1 ;-). Later moved and switched to
St. Rita's. Fond childhood memories of the big (or so it seemed) Gateway to
the North sign, swimming at the lake, shadflies by the zillions and
toboganning off the porch roof in a town with the world's biggest
snowdrifts :-) No recollections of the base itself.
Just wanted you to know, so you could spread the word, we are having a Widdifield 50th Reunion May 19 - 22, 2016. Registration can be done online at www.widdifield50th.com and also there is a Facebook page Widdifield Seondary 50th Reunion! spread the word!!
2016-02-15 16:51:40 UTC
Hi Group!
I was stationed in North Bay twice, once in 1967. I lived off base in BLH
with other brats nearby. Went to EW Norman School. I remember riding our
bikes and skidding on the shadfly bodies.....ick! Stationed there again in
1973, BLH again. Went to Widdifield HS. Caught the itch in Trout Lake, had
my first beer on Blueberry Hill outside the housing area. Walked to the A&W
every Friday night with my friends. Loved that posting!!
"kathleen hanrahan wrote ...
anyone remember ANYTHING from North Bay, write it
under this thread!
Lived in N Bay early 60s but offbase, as parents rented downtown. Started
school at St. Agnes. Only memory of that school is of my older sisters
dragging me kicking and screaming on Day 1 ;-). Later moved and switched to
St. Rita's. Fond childhood memories of the big (or so it seemed) Gateway to
the North sign, swimming at the lake, shadflies by the zillions and
toboganning off the porch roof in a town with the world's biggest
snowdrifts :-) No recollections of the base itself.
Just wanted you to know, so you could spread the word, we are having a Widdifield 50th Reunion May 19 - 22, 2016. Registration can be done online at www.widdifield50th.com and also there is a Facebook page Widdifield Seondary 50th Reunion! spread the word!!
2016-02-15 16:53:05 UTC
And so? Did you have the opportunity to let Mr. Carlin know I'm still
out here? I would appreciate it very much!
Just wanted you to know, so you could spread the word, we are having a Widdifield 50th Reunion May 19 - 22, 2016. Registration can be done online at www.widdifield50th.com and also there is a Facebook page Widdifield Seondary 50th Reunion! spread the word!! I think Mr. Carlin will be there!~
2016-06-09 16:39:58 UTC
I was there from 65-72. I went back last November and took some pictures of
the PMQ's and Paul Davoud School. The school is closed now and used for some
military training. The PMQ's are all occupied by the 500 or so CAF personnel
and families. Heard there were some civilians living in them as well but can't
say for sure. The pool now has a brand new roof that was completed last summer
to replace to old one. It was an outdoor pool when I was there. A couple of
the base buildings are gone but most of it is still there, including Teen Town
and the Curling Rink.
Mrs. Pelkey lived 2 doors away from us and we still see her every 5 years or
so. Mr. Parker was my grade 6 teacher, Mr. Roy was grade 7, Mr. McLeod was
grade 8. Mr. Gasparetto was principal and Mrs. Wardlaw was Librarian and Vice
Principal. Mr. MacKay had just left the school.
I stopped by Lake Nippissing and since it was a beautiful warm (17 C) day I
went to Government Warf then to West Ferris and to Sunset Beach. Brought back
tons of memories.
Biggest thing I noticed was how small things seemed when you're driving a car.
It took forever to ride your bike from the base to Trout Lake. That was a full
day outing. It was less than 10 minutes by car.
Tony McNeill
I remember lots and lots of snow. Mr. Roy the french teacher, Mrs Pelkey
kindergarten, Mrs. Lewis grade one, Mr. Gasperetto the principal at Paul
Davoud. The snow sculptures, the outdoor pool where I learned to swim. My
friend Brenda's sister breaking her leg on one of those spinning ride
things. The shad flies, camping at Lake Nipissing.
Hello, my name is Mike Hulley, I lived on base from 1965 to 69, grades 4 through 7 and I do remember Mr. McLeod for Grade 7. Great teacher. I believe his shiny new Mercury Cougar impressed me most. At any rate, I'm trying to connect with a couple of classmates at the time: Ricky Authors and Michael Renault. I know its a bit of a long shot, but any ideas? Any help is much appreciated (***@earthlink.net).
2016-06-09 19:39:18 UTC
I was there from 65-72. I went back last November and took some pictures of
the PMQ's and Paul Davoud School. The school is closed now and used for some
military training. The PMQ's are all occupied by the 500 or so CAF personnel
and families. Heard there were some civilians living in them as well but can't
say for sure. The pool now has a brand new roof that was completed last summer
to replace to old one. It was an outdoor pool when I was there. A couple of
the base buildings are gone but most of it is still there, including Teen Town
and the Curling Rink.
Mrs. Pelkey lived 2 doors away from us and we still see her every 5 years or
so. Mr. Parker was my grade 6 teacher, Mr. Roy was grade 7, Mr. McLeod was
grade 8. Mr. Gasparetto was principal and Mrs. Wardlaw was Librarian and Vice
Principal. Mr. MacKay had just left the school.
I stopped by Lake Nippissing and since it was a beautiful warm (17 C) day I
went to Government Warf then to West Ferris and to Sunset Beach. Brought back
tons of memories.
Biggest thing I noticed was how small things seemed when you're driving a car.
It took forever to ride your bike from the base to Trout Lake. That was a full
day outing. It was less than 10 minutes by car.
Tony McNeill
I remember lots and lots of snow. Mr. Roy the french teacher, Mrs Pelkey
kindergarten, Mrs. Lewis grade one, Mr. Gasperetto the principal at Paul
Davoud. The snow sculptures, the outdoor pool where I learned to swim. My
friend Brenda's sister breaking her leg on one of those spinning ride
things. The shad flies, camping at Lake Nipissing.
Hi Mike.

You just replied to a message thats about 16 years old.

There is hardly anybody posting in this group any more--they apparently
have their own facebook group. You might find your answers there.